Sunday, January 24, 2010


I was awakened at a quarter to eight this morning by the sound of cheering and clapping. Downstairs, The Wife was beaming and informed me that NJ had rolled over, completely, for the first time. Tummy to back. I got up, quickly dressed, and rushed down to see for myself. NJ obliged, and It. Was. Adorable.

I was awakened at a quarter to three this afternoon by the sound of stomping footsteps on the stairs. Frowning, The Wife informed me that NJ would not take her afternoon nap, she'd sat bawling in her swing for thirty minutes. I got up and rushed down to see why my question "So my nap had to end, too?" was so out of line.


  1. It's not, "Never mess with the nap." It's "never complain about the nap being interupted." At least, that was my experience.
